Zara Flora, your East Grinstead Florist

Select from our fresh Flowers of The Day

Your florist for flower delivery in East Grinstead and locally in East Sussex, West Sussex, Surrey and Kent. Gift, event, funeral and wedding flowers.

If you want great floristry, made by a fabulous florist, with beautiful fresh flowers, we're all yours. Order online for the best local flower delivery in East Grinstead, or contact us for more options, and to discuss weddings, events, and funeral flowers. Resident florists for Ashdown Park Hotel, and Ballard & Shortall Funeral Directors, we're in The Good Florist Guide & @theopaphitis #SBS winners.

Order Flowers Online


Our hours are Tuesday to Saturday 10am till 3pm, except for holidays and fully booked dates. If we are out of the studio during business hours, our phone diverts to a mobile - if unanswered, to voicemail; if you don't reach us straight away, please leave a message or use the Contact Us link to email and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. This website enables you to to Order Flowers Online 24/7, and to Contact Us for advice, or enquire about flowers for events, funerals and weddings. You can also Order Funeral Flowers Online and as part of inclusive arrangements through branches of Ballard and Shortall Funeral Directors.
Fields of Gold £70.00Buy Now
Mama Mia £80.00Buy Now
San Sebastián £90.00Buy Now
Vivaldi £120.00Buy Now